Beneficial Search Engine Traffic - the modern Ways to Achieve Search Engine

If you’re thinking “Traffic Traffic everywhere, but not a single customer”, it’s time you looked at Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) the correct way. SEO/SEM is not just about being on the top of search engines or about driving traffic to your website.

There are a ton of dubious ‘Work from Home’ schemes out there that pay users to keep visiting websites and click on the links and advertisements. Some more ‘wondrous’ schemes exist that pay users to submit links on a bunch of social networking sites, to get back links that will bring your site to the top of Search Engines. These tricks can quickly drain not just your advertising budget, but also give you headaches with your web hosting bills. Most SEO/SEM practitioners forget that Sales and not traffic drives businesses.
If your SEO / SEM Company / consultant is not able to generate sales for your online business, your advertising budget is down the drain. You want the maximum Return on Investment, especially during the difficult times of economic slowdowns. You don’t need lots of traffic and a zillion unique visitors. You need ‘targeted traffic’, no more, no less. Only targeted traffic can bring you leads that have the potential to convert to sales. The rest obviously will depend on your products / services

Of course, it is important that your website is designed in a way that your pages are search engine friendly. It is possible that the site has many materials and these materials are the right information that people search but then these contents may not be written in a way that search engines would find them. So what you really need is a website that is designed both for the people who are searching for information and search engines that will help them find these pertinent facts.
Here are some of the innovations that you can do to your site so that you are sure to get the search engine traffic:
1. Keywords or key phrases that you are targeting should be included on your domain name. To promote quick recall, experts suggest that you use a combination of keywords, powerful adjective, and sometimes the products or services you are offering. By doing this, you are making your domain name easy to remember.
2. Do not overload your contents with keywords. You need to have useful information that people will keeping for. Though keywords can help you with the search engines, remember that you still have real audiences who will read and make use of the content.
3. Make sure that your title tags are designed for search engines to easily locate information that you are offering. Your title tags should be descriptive so search engines will have an idea what the whole page is all about.
4. Make sure that the link texts are keyword rich. Even if you are linking different sites from your website, make sure that these anchor link texts are related to your keywords. These should be the keywords that would best describe your website, products and services.

PHP – An Ultimate Solution for Successful Web Development

Among many Programming languages, PHP has made its own position in web development activities। To a beginner PHP programming language may seem bit complicated and not easy to handle but with some sessions and practice, one will be at ease to work with PHP।
Some of the other popular computer languages that are expansively used besides PHP are Java, C and Visual Basic. But among the other computer languages, the web developers hugely prefer PHP programming.

It was in 1994 that Rasmus Lerdorf generated PHP in a very initial stage. The next year, he created PHP/FI. In 1997 Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans created PHP3 in a very basic level. Then by the end of the same year it was officially released as PHP/FI 2. Soon after public testing started with this programming language. More research continued through 1999 and in May 2000 PHP 4 came out and more development works continued with PHP 5.
PHP programming language is a server side scripting language and it is used to run scripts directly on a web server. For developing dynamic web pages, PHP language is normally used. The programmers, well acquainted with PHP development can work with “command line interface’’ (CLI). This is one of the major features of PHP that is available with this programming language. With CLI one can interact with a computer by providing text commands in the form of script or written structure.
With PHP programming, you can easily add files and different images with file up loaders. The web developers who are aware with PHP programming and web applications also use it for file transfer from a client computer to a web server. It is done through HTTP file uploading process.